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  2. George P

    Star Trek: Picard (CBS All Access)

    I doubt they'd kill it, the stuff he has killed had to go, and WB is better off for it right now. Also one less streaming service out there, we can have Paramount+ move all it's stuff into MAX.
  3. George P

    Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire

    The sad truth is that sequels and reboots are the easy things to make because of their past success. The studios are a business, they follow the money. It's easier to push and market a sequel or reboot to a IP that's generally well known than to try and push something new that might cost as much to make and flop way hard. If you were the studio you'd be doing the same exact thing they're doing now, you'd follow the path to easy money. Lots of new stuff comes out but only a fraction of it has big enough success to get people talking.
  4. Hello, I am wondering if your internet service provider might have recently acquired an IPv4 block that historically was part of another country's IP space. If you look up the public IP address for the network interface on each computer in your household (e.g., using or similar), does each one show that they are located in the Netherlands, or at least a nearby country if you are close to a border? Regards, Aryeh Goretsky
  5. Today
  6. Hello, Perhaps the following will be of use: Regards, Aryeh Goretsky
  7. FloatingFatMan

    The Mandalorian

    I'm not letting Iger anywhere NEAR my butt!
  8. To clarify the SKUs mentioned above are prereqs, Copilot is an add-on.
  9. Yours is the very first that it isn't, as in, kindly define what "normal" means in a forum whose different opinions are expected. Don't pretend you don't know what I mean
  10. Yours is the very first that it isn't, as in, kindly define what "normal" means in a forum whose different opinions are expected.
  11. You and the other fella above didn't get what I meant, but you will understand it in a couple of years...
  12. This really isn't a topic I am militant about, but you asked my reasons, so I gave them. Not trying to push my choices on anyone else here. I have to disagree with every point you made. I think I know a thing or two about using the internet without one. When I say I don't use one, I am not saying I keep it off most of the time. I am saying that for the last 15 years, no computer or network I use had one installed for even a second. "Most websites are barely or not usable at all without an ad-blocker." This is categorically incorrect. Most? No. Half? No. 10%? No. 1%? Maybe 1% of sites have overly annoying ads, but not fully unusable. The less reputable a site is, the more littered with ads and scams it will be, if I need to dip into places like that, I just navigate around them. When I look for old retro ROMs to download, I see the more annoying ads, but I wouldn't say they occupy more than a second or two of my time. Most sites I am on are fine (ironically, this site's ads are about the worst of any site I frequent). "I have gone to sites that have literally locked my browser with whatever they are trying to load that is not content." Browsers have gotten much better at addressing this; it isn't like on Internet Explorer where a poorly behaved page could force you to get out Task Manager. Sites like this I can still interact with and very clearly see that there is nothing there. I imagine that with an ad blocker it would just be a blank page. Closing and moving on is what I would do either way. I could count on one hand the number of times the tab locked up and had to be closed...but maybe my plugin-less browsers just work better than yours. "Dishonest? OK? LOL I am not "clicking" on any ad anyway." It has to do with violating the offer. The page owner created the site with the intention of running ads and being compensated in that way. They understand that many will not click. They still make some money on impressions. They setup the ads understanding most will never click them, but they still choose to offer the service in that way. Imagine AT&T Fiber setup a booth at the mall and was giving out free lunch if you talked to them about the service. Can you walk up, blow off the sales guy in less than 30 seconds and take the lunch? Sure. They know most of those lunches will not result in new customers. That is factored into the offer. Now if you see their caterer pushing a cart of boxed lunches towards their booth, can you grab one off the cart and run? No, that would be theft (and I don't mean in the moral sense, it would be a crime). "Ads are also a major malware vector." Ads in the truest sense, not really, but I do acknowledge that ad blockers also block malicious content. "TBH not using an ad-blocker seems kinda dumb." You are welcome to think that, but I can't say I respect that opinion. Your points were filled with false statements, exaggerations, and don't reflect reality. In contrast, I am not saying you shouldn't use one, I just explaining why I don't, because you asked. My choices are my own and I don't think any less of you for making different ones.
  13. DocM

    Tesla Cybertruck

    I would add to this that studs do help, but they are not legal in all states because the stunts can, and often do, damage the road. Tire chains are sometimes legal but usually only when the snow is deep (so they won't contact the road), Someone driving overly worn tires on a dry road, ice or snow is risking not only their own safety but the safety of others
  14. DocM

    Tesla Cybertruck

    . A- ? Sounds pretty good next to the last Ford we bought (never again). Mainly the guy at the link talks about getting used to the squirkle steering wheel, the cup holder only being for 12 oz, a little noise out of the driveline (it does sound different than other Teslas), the control button on the steering wheel it probably needs service. The planar surfaces not lining up like a curved panel would has been discussed in talks about what to expect from the vehicle. The average car has about 2 actual problems, Tesla is at about 2.5, and recently it's been going down about .2+ per year.
  15. The sooner Microsoft can teach its AI, the sooner they can lay everyone off and bolster their share price. Get it into as many hands as possible, now is the time to win.
  16. I'm not sure its almost always better. Most changes in Windows I liken to Walmart rearranging things around the store. Not really better, but its in a different place, and annoys everyone that has to go find it.
  17. If you guys are talking about sponsored segments that creators put in those are actually part of the video so ad blockers cannot block those. There is an addon that can skip them called Sponsorblock though; all it does is automatically skip past the sponsored bits and the great thing is the creators still get paid.
  18. Confusing, the title and the first mention excludes iPadOS and then later it mentions availability for both iPhones and iPads. Is it possible to mention iPad and/or iPadOS too? As much as the journalistic world thinks so, the devices are different and their OS's are different, aka not the same.
  19. You need to switch to uBlock Origin (ideally with Firefox). Adblock Plus is junk. Thanks for the tip anyway, but I'll stick with Adblock Plus. Apart from this issue, I haven't had a single one in many years of using it, I have had a very good experience with it. I'm sure they'll publish the update soon. Meanwhile, the problem is solved by whitelisting YouTube for the moment. Again, thanks for the tip. 👍🏻
  20. Really? Most websites are barely or not usable at all without an ad-blocker. A decade ago it was possible but today no way. I have gone to sites that have literally locked my browser with whatever they are trying to load that is not content. Dishonest? OK? LOL I am not "clicking" on any ad anyway. Ads are also a major malware vector. I have had YouTube premium in the past and have no problem paying for content. I would say have donated to about a dozen websites over the years that I frequent a lot including this one. TBH not using an ad-blocker seems kinda dumb.
  21. This could be due to the company having NDAs and being subject to data privacy regulations, which would prevent employees with sensitive data from having external services process that data. It's likely only certain employees will have access to it only for specific situations. If your friend is supposed to be entitled to access, maybe they are waiting on the lawyers to clear it first, or maybe your friend needs to go through training to be aware of limitations on sensitive data.
  22. Same when clicking links that go into youtube (i.e. not embedded), though a simple right click and "open link in private window" fixes that issue for me.
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