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  1. Time for a new SpaceX Updates Thread 9. New info, and a too long thread 8 Thread 8: Musk at ISS R&D In line with the earlier comments before Congress that pushed for a cis-lunar COTS program. Translation: a high risk of failure on the first flight. No duh! Subscale BFR/BFS confirmed to better make the business case (but still very large), and sooner so it can be used in LEO and cis-lunar space. Red Dragon & Dragon 2 propulsive landings Early Mars missions will use using the subscale BFR/BFS system, so Red Dragon is cancelled. Capsules landing with side thrusters are now irrelevant to Mars entry/descent/landing as that'll be done using a lifting body - which allows for a much larger heat shield and vehicle. Without this testbed Dragon 2 propulsive landings are off the table for safety cert reasons (ahem - NASA suits & ASAP, again). Landing legs removed. Continuing to push the issue with NASA & ASAP would delay their crewed flights. Propulsive landings may come back later - but they want to concentrate personnel and resources on getting Crew Dragon, FH, and the updated BFR/BFS architecture flying. And soon.