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  1. I thought that this would be a good area to place interesting articles related to the solar system... To start this thread, I found a good editorial which encompasses the future plans for a lunar colony and entities with an interest...and a plan. Op-ed | Getting Serious About the Moon Village “A Moon Village,” said ESA director-general Johann-Dietrich Woerner, “shouldn’t just mean some houses, a church and a town hall.” It could be beacon of international and even commercial cooperation. Credit: ESA artist's concept of a lunar outpost This summary pretty much shows the intent for a lunar village is real, is being planned and will begin in the very near future. ----------------------------------------------------- Russia touts plan to land a man on the Moon by 2029 File image. ---------------------------------------------- Japan Plans Unmanned Moon Landing A partial lunar eclipse is seen behind cherry blossoms in Tochigi prefecture, eastern Japan, in April. Agence France-Presse/Getty Images as well as this article... ------------------------------------- China Wants To Build A Lunar Base On The Far Side Of The Moon photo credit: An illustration of the far side of the moon and Earth in the distance. NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio. China's Yutu rover, pictured, landed on the Moon on 14 December 2013. CNSA/CCTV. India has expressed an interest in landing a probe as well.........
  2. Scientists discover four Earth-sized planets orbiting sun-like star by Paul Hill A team of international astronomers has discovered four Earth-sized planets orbiting Tau Ceti, a star similar to the Sun just 12 light years away, and visible to the naked eye if you’re residing in the southern hemisphere. The planets have masses as low as 1.7 Earth mass meaning they’re some of the smallest planets ever discovered around a Sun-like star. Two of the four planets are in the habitable zone of the star, which simply means that they could have liquid surface water; in our own planetary system, Venus, Earth, and Mars are in the habitable zone. An important factor to mention is that the outer two planets that are in the habitable zone will likely be affected by a sizeable debris disc around the star, therefore any life that emerges or could possibly exist would have to contend with asteroids and comets slamming into the planet. The discovery of the planets was down to advancements in the astronomers' techniques. They were detected, not directly, but rather by wobbles made to the movement of Tau Ceti. It required techniques that could detect variations in the movement of the star as small as 30 centimetres per second. Researchers are now getting close to being able to detect movements as small as 10 centimetres per second which will allow them to search for planets the same size as Earth. Steven Vogt, professor of astronomy and astrophysics at UC Santa Cruz, said: “We are now finally crossing a threshold where, through very sophisticated modeling of large combined data sets from multiple independent observers, we can disentangle the noise due to stellar surface activity from the very tiny signals generated by the gravitational tugs from Earth-sized orbiting planets.” Sun-like stars are believed to be the best targets for finding Earth-like planets because they’re less likely to be tidally locked. Small red dwarf stars are more common, however, and any habitable planets that orbit them tend to be tidally locked due to the proximity, making them dissimilar to Earth. Source: UCSC
  3. Recently I've watched the movie named Sirius and all of its video tapes wich recorded several spaceships floating above the earth. What do you think about this organisation , its members and its ideological ways ? CSETI seems to bring some proof over what they say , do you beleive them ?
  4. Detection

    Planets align tonight ?

    Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and the crescent moon will align tonight in the western sky, seemingly drawing a line to the horizon. This will happen before the sun fully sets; a good viewing time is about 6 p.m. 6pm where ?