Solar System News (miscellaneous articles)

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Even Emirates do their best to join the ranks of spacefaring nations. However, the UAE space agency was established not so long ago, in 2014. And after only seven years, they managed to launch an orbiter to Mars. That's why I stand for startups. Each country has at least one-two aspiring companies that show a lot of promise, of course, except the third-world countries. However, many African countries already take part in the space race: South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Algeria, etc. I got interested in one British company called Skyrora. You've probably heard about it at least once. I have every reason to believe that it will raise the British space industry to a new level. Here is the link to their website if anyone is interested

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In the new study, researchers used Chandra observations taken in Uranus in 2002 and then again in 2017. They saw a clear detection of X-rays from the first observation, just analyzed recently, and a possible flare of X-rays in those obtained fifteen years later. The main graphic shows a Chandra X-ray image of Uranus from 2002 (in pink) superimposed on an optical image from the Keck-I Telescope obtained in a separate study in 2004. The latter shows the planet at approximately the same orientation as it was during the 2002 Chandra observations.


What could cause Uranus to emit X-rays? The answer: mainly the Sun. Astronomers have observed that both Jupiter and Saturn scatter X-ray light given off by the Sun, similar to how Earth’s atmosphere scatters the Sun’s light. While the authors of the new Uranus study initially expected that most of the X-rays detected would also be from scattering, there are tantalizing hints that at least one other source of X-rays is present. If further observations confirm this, it could have intriguing implications for understanding Uranus.



(Source: Link in above tweet)



Think it's past time to send another probe to Uranus.



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1 hour ago, Jim K said:




Think it's past time to send another probe to Uranus.




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